Stabilized flowers and plants


Timelessness and innovation, this is what characterizes stabilized plants!

We are all familiar with fresh, dried or artificial flowers. But have you ever heard of stabilized, preserved or eternal flowers? These 3 qualifiers represent the same type of plants.

Take natural plants whose radiance and suppleness will remain frozen over time by a process known as totally biological and biodegradable stabilization.

Many varieties of flowers but also foliage can be preserved today such as roses, hydrangea, eucalyptus or ferns. Each plant variety has its own stabilization process that is perfectly suited to it.

What is stabilized?

Existing for more than 3 decades, the concept of stabilized consists of taking real plants in nature and replacing the sap with a perfectly ecological substance based on vegetable glycerin and specific to the species treated, the result of extensive research which will make it possible to preserve this plant for years without the need for maintenance while keeping its original appearance and its flexibility: no need for water or light.

Stabilized plants are found on all sorts of sites in the world. Their natural appearance and the lack of maintenance allow them to be placed in all places of transit (station, airport, hotels) but also in shops and especially in tertiary office buildings.

The hotel and restaurant sector has everything to gain by using stabilized plants!

Preserved flowers and plants also have great potential in the event industry. They will sublimate important events such as weddings, bachelor parties or birthdays.

No need for a garden center maintenance contract, no climatic constraints (light, heat and cold) and much more economical than changing fresh flowers every week!

The use of stabilized allows you to adopt a positive and eco-responsible approach. The durability of these plants allows a very profitable investment because they will keep for several years.

A little bit of technique:

Most of the time, the preservation of flowers is done by double immersion. A first to dehydrate freshly cut flowers by immersing them in pure alcohol for 24 hours then to rehydrate them by immersing them in a solution composed of alcohol, vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol and food colorings. The sap replaced by the stabilizing solution allows the flowers to keep their natural appearance, shape and suppleness for several years.

For foliage, the other commonly used technique is absorption. The ends of plant stems are soaked just after cutting in a few centimeters of a solution made up of vegetable glycerin, water, nutrients and food coloring. This impregnation process can last several days and the leaves are then left to dry. Just like stabilized flowers, stabilized foliage and mosses keep their natural beauty, their flexibility and require no maintenance.

Stabilized plants are natural materials produced with respect for the environment, non-toxic and biodegradable.

Preserved flowers and plants also have great potential in the event industry. Thanks to our assortment, you will be able to create a personalized scenography to enhance important events such as weddings, bachelor parties or even birthdays. We also offer a range of romantic jewelry, bohemian accessories and rustic decoration made from stabilized and dried plants. Come quickly to discover them!